Homebirth After Twins | Raleigh Birth Photography

Raleigh NC Birth Photography | Homebirth after TwinsAfter the birth of her twins, Sarah wanted a different birth experience. We had crossed paths many years prior, through Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation. The conversation, I think, was heavily centered around VBACs (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). Debunking the theory that ‘Once a cesarean, always a cesarean’. For me, information is key and I never want to force feed anyone information but rather uncovering tools and information allowing people to further research as they see fit. I remember leaving this conversation and feeling good. Fast forward to February 2018 and I get a message from Sarah saying she was pregnant – and moving back to Raleigh! (Have I mentioned how much I love being part of early excitement?) Sarah was reaching out about birth photography but she got so much more in response as I was also expecting and due two days after her. I wasn’t afraid to take her on as a client, as long as she was ok with a backup in the event that I had my baby first or didn’t require an all nighter as I couldn’t go that long without sleep in the event that I was about to go into labor myself. What was so unique about Sarah’s birth – we celebrated millstones together as we both planned our Homebirth in the Triangle. Our paths crossed at the pool, BIRTHFIT, prenatals and the like. Our relationship grew alongside our bellies. When I was pregnant with Lucien, I photographed a birth on my ‘due date’ with him. So it was a pretty fun text to receive on the morning of Sept 9th (my due date with Fiona) that Sarah was in early labor. It was time to head her way later that evening and I arrived to her in the tub working hard through her contractions with a wonderful support team! It was maybe an hour or two before transition hit and Cormac was born into her arms. She did it! She had her HBAC – and me, being 40 weeks pregnant, was a ball of gush hiding behind my camera. Sarah was glowing, and it was an unbelievable evening being in the presence of such power. 

Doula - Lesa Williams - Doula Mom of 12

Chiropractor - Lindsay Mumma - TCRC

Midwifery & Placenta Encapsulation - Sankofa Birth & Woman's Care



Merritt | Penny from Heaven | Raleigh Birth Photography


Birth Story | HBAC | Fiona