Greensboro Birth Photography | Clear Drape Cesarean | Finn

Greensboro Birth Photography | Clear Drape Cesarean

 One of the highest honors I receive is when a fellow photographer hires me to document one of their most treasured moments. Imagine my surprise when I received an email from this amazing photographer in the Greensboro NC area – Heather wanted ME to document HER birth. It was a very quick email correspondence – we were smack dab in the middle of the holiday busy season so it was madness. Heather was due February 29th – a LEAP day baby! Documenting a birth on LEAP day has been on my bucket list (blog coming soon on this list!) – but I just knew with it being her due date that she would have a baby on any other day BUT that one mythological day in February. Once things settled down after the holidays - Heather and I connected on the phone. She talked about her pervious birth (cesarean) and that this would hopefully be a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). She talked about how delightfully it was to be so madly in love with her husband and how spectacularly excited her daughter was to be a big sister. I felt immediately connected to her and I couldn’t wait for the day I was called in! On Friday March 11th I got the call to start headed to her birth! She was moving fast – and so was I! It was about 1.5 hours away so I knew I needed to be efficient – thankfully there was no traffic on the road! I arrived into a beautiful scene – Heather was so lovingly supported by her Husband and Doula. He was her rock and he was there to be her strength to stand – it was breathtaking. They moved and danced through labor – and at one point he even unbuttoned his shirt so she could cuddle in nice and close – I watched her melt into him and at that moment I could feel that she just knew she could conquer anything with him by her side. Friday came to an end and Saturday had arrived. A decision was made to have a repeat cesarean. They had a clear drape ready and the doctor granted permission to allow me to be there to document Finn’s first breath. Everything was falling into place – and the birth was taking shape; not how mom had originally envisioned; but a beautiful perfect story that is uniquely Finnegan formed in its place. In the wee morning hour – this sweet screaming little boy entered the world – 5:06 am - and mom and dad watched in amazement through a clear drape. After a quick once over, mom held her son for the first time skin to skin on the operating table. It was love – the purest of love. We spent a couple hours in recovery as the bond between mom and baby grew; pure joy and wonderment.Watch their video below... 


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Find Heather and her beautiful Photography here – Heather McGinnis Photography

Here Doula can be found here - The Labor Ladies

If you are interested in Raleigh or Greensboro Birth Photography, please contact me her.

Limited spots available.


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